The Misery Mountain Boys

Friday • 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm | The Alley (93 St & 118 Ave (Southside of 118))

The Misery Mountain Boys are a 4 piece band including guitar, upright bass, clarinet, saxophone, and drums (brushes), playing original music inspired by the 1930/40's era of swing and jump blues. You might hear the tunes of the Misery Mountain Boys drifting from behind a rotating bookcase of a 1930’s speakeasy. Harkening back to a simpler time, the MMB’s create a collaborative soundscape infused with tongue in cheek wit, playfulness, and nostalgia. The band’s performance delivers as both classic and fresh, offering a generous variety of sweaty jazz numbers, velvety love songs, and swingin' jump-blues.

Instagram: @miserymountainboys
Facebook: miserymountainboys
Youtube: The Misery Mountain Boys