Etown Salsa Latin Dance Studio

Saturday • 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Main Stage (119 Ave & 93 St in the Grassy Field)

Alejandro was born in Santiago, Chile, and was raised in Canada as a first generation Chilean-Canadian. His parents instilled in him much of their latin roots which included music, language, traditional culture and DANCE! So as young as 8 yrs of age, he started performing folkloric dances traditional to Chile. As soon as Alex entered adulthood, he frequented the one latin nightclub to go dancing to his favorite latin music. He soon fell in love with SALSA and since 2003, he has made his presence known through this website and to world audiences. He has performed at the largest congresses in the world including Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, San Francisco as well as other international congresses such as Vancouver and Calgary. As a dance team director, he has managed a different team each of the past 3 years and successfully travelled abroad with these groups to escalate their knowledge of salsa. Teaching primarily Salsa for the past 10 years, he is one of only a hand full of EDMONTON instructors teaching salsa with his skill and experience. He also speaks fluent English and Spanish and is married to his beautiful Colombian wife Ana who now assists in teaching classes at their new dance studio.